RockitSeller currently supports multiple E-Commerce marketplaces like Amazon, Walmart, eBay, Shopify, Etsy, Newegg, Abe books, Valore books, Biblio and TikTok.


Firstly, To connect your Amazon account click on the Amazon logo. This will open a page where you select your primary Amazon market. Please select the appropriate market for your country to open Seller Central for your Country.

Login to Seller Central and click the checkbox to allow RockitSeller access to your Amazon account. Clicking confirm will open RockitSeller in a new tab. You have now connected your Amazon account. 


Now, To connect your Walmart account you will need 3 pieces of information about your Walmart account, client Id, client secret and partner Id. Open up Walmart Seller Center by browsing to and copy the partner Id displayed.

Additionally in RockitSeller, click the Walmart image on the Connections page. Click on the link to open up the Walmart developer portal.

Copy the client Id by clicking on the copy button. Click the unhide button and copy the client Secret. You may close this window now.

Paste the Client Id, Client Secret and Partner Id in the respective boxes and click Save. 

If all the values have been entered correctly, you will receive a success message. You have now connected your Walmart account to RockitSeller.


Third, To connect your eBay account, click on the eBay image. On the next page click to choose the primary eBay market for your appropriate country. This will open the eBay site for your country. Login and allow RockitSeller access to your eBay account. Once these steps have been completed RockitSeller app will open in a new tab. You have now connected your eBay account to RockitSeller.

Lastly, To connect your Shopify shop to RockitSeller, click the Shopify image and enter your shop name. Please enter just the shop name, for example, if your shop name is then just enter myawesomeshop and click Save. This will open the RockitSeller app in the Shopfify app store.

Within the Shopify store click on Add App, follow instructions and allow RockitSeller access to your Shopify shop. Once you complete these steps, your browser will be navigated back to the RockitSeller app. You have now connected your Shopify shop to RockitSeller. To connect your Etsy, Newegg or TikTok accounts just click on the logo for each marketplace and follow the instructions and prompts. It is as simple as that, you have successfully connected multiple E-Commerce marketplaces. If you need further help, please reach out to us, support at