Product Performance

Product Performance

Product Performance aggregates the performance of all SKUs and their contribution towards the overall revenue. The default time period is 7 days and you can change it by using the calendar control. To change the marketplace select a different one from the Marketplace...
What is GainTime

What is GainTime

GainTime gives you a real-time view of your sales performance across all channels. You can track sales stats, revenue, expenses, and net profit for today, yesterday, or any custom period. The Profit & Loss section breaks down gross revenue, taxes, and costs. A PnL...
How to Connect on Multiple E-Commerce Marketplaces

How to Connect on Multiple E-Commerce Marketplaces

RockitSeller currently supports multiple E-Commerce marketplaces like Amazon, Walmart, eBay, Shopify, Etsy, Newegg, Abe books, Valore books, Biblio and TikTok. Amazon Firstly, To connect your Amazon account click on the Amazon logo. This will open a page where you...
Dashboard Overview

Dashboard Overview

The main dashboard provides a sneak peek of comparative sales, for today and yesterday along with units sold and a snapshot of your inventory (local and FBA), a running list of all your recent orders,  and a comparative analysis of sales performance compared to a...


Whether new to selling on Amazon or a veteran you have at some point heard these two terms. In this post we will cover what is similar and what is different between these two sales channels and their pros and cons. FBA, Fulfillment By Amazon and Fulfillment By...