Amazon has started assessing an additional fee called “FBA Inbound Placement Service Fee” starting April 1 on all Inbound FBA shipments. Amazon traditionally has ingested shipments sent to its warehouses by sellers and dispersed the inventory internally to its fulfillment centers at no cost to the sellers. To offset some of these costs, Amazon is tacking on an inbound placement service fee effective April 1, 2024. We believe Amazon Prime, which is a huge logistics cost to Amazon, and its fulfillment obligations, were the biggest drivers for this fee. The new fees eat into the already shrinking margins on Amazon and the seller community has not been too happy about it.

Amazon’s Inbound Placement Service Fee is a critical aspect for sellers who use Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA). Understanding this fee structure is paramount for optimizing costs and maintaining profitability. This article will provide an in-depth analysis of the Amazon Inbound Placement Service Fee, how it works, and the strategies sellers can use to manage these costs effectively.

What is Amazon Inbound Placement Service Fee?

The Amazon Inbound Placement Service Fee is a charge that Amazon applies to sellers using the FBA service for managing the placement of their inventory across Amazon’s fulfillment network. When a seller sends inventory to Amazon, the company may distribute these products across various fulfillment centers to position them closer to potential buyers, thus reducing delivery times and enhancing the customer experience.

However, managing this inventory spread incurs costs. Amazon’s Inbound Placement Service Fee is the price sellers pay for the convenience of having their inventory strategically placed. The fee is based on the dimensions and weight of the product and the number of fulfillment centers the inventory is sent to.


How Does it Work?

Amazon offers three inbound shipment placement options:

  1. Minimal Shipment Splits: Sellers opting for this pay higher fees to ensure their inventory is sent to as few fulfillment centers as possible, ideally a single location.
  2. Partial Shipment Splits: This mid-tier option sends inventory to a few selected centers, balancing cost with distribution efficiency.
  3. Amazon-Optimized Shipment Splits: With this option, sellers allow Amazon to distribute inventory at its discretion, usually resulting in shipments to multiple locations, but with no added fee for the placement service.

The fee is applied when creating a shipment plan and is based on the category and quantity of items sent. It’s essential to understand that these fees are in addition to the standard FBA fees that cover picking, packing, shipping, customer service, and returns handling.


Why Does Amazon Charge this Fee?

The fee compensates for the logistical complexities involved in inventory management across the expansive Amazon fulfillment network. By spreading out inventory, Amazon can reduce shipping times, which is a cornerstone of Amazon’s customer service strategy. This service also allows for a more seamless experience for Prime customers who expect two-day shipping.


Strategies to Manage Inbound Placement Service Fees

Here are several strategies that sellers can use to manage and potentially minimize these fees:

1. Inventory Analysis

Conduct a thorough analysis of your inventory turnover and sales velocity. Understanding which items sell quickly and which linger can help you make more informed decisions about how much inventory to send to Amazon’s fulfillment centers.

2. Bundle Products

Creating bundles or multipacks of your products can reduce the number of individual units you send in and, by extension, the overall placement service fees.

3. Consider the Size and Weight

Design your packaging to minimize the size and weight, if possible, without compromising product protection. Smaller, lighter items incur lower fees.

4. Use Amazon’s Inventory Placement Service

For some sellers, using Amazon’s Inventory Placement Service, which allows for control over where your inventory is sent, might result in cost savings, even with the associated fees, by reducing the complexity of shipments.

5. Regular Review of Fee Changes

Amazon may adjust fees periodically. Regularly review these changes and adjust your strategy accordingly to avoid unexpected costs.

6. Manage Inventory Proactively

Proactive inventory management includes tracking stock levels, forecasting demand, and adjusting shipments to ensure a balanced approach to inventory placement. This can prevent excess stock from sitting in one location and accruing storage fees.

Impact on Sellers

The Inbound Placement Service Fee can significantly impact sellers’ margins, particularly for those with low-margin products. It’s essential to factor in these fees when calculating product pricing and profitability. Sellers must strike a balance between the benefits of broad inventory distribution and the associated costs.

For sellers with a diverse product range, it’s particularly important to understand that fees can vary considerably between different items. This variability makes it crucial to develop a nuanced approach to inventory management and to consider each product individually when planning shipments.


The Role of RockitSeller in Managing Amazon Inbound Placement Service Fees

RockitSeller offers a sophisticated solution to assist sellers with the complexity of Amazon’s Inbound Placement Service Fees. Here’s how:

Automation and Analytics

RockitSeller provides tools that automate the analysis of inventory data, offering predictive insights that can inform a seller’s decision-making process regarding inventory placement.

Cost Forecasting

With detailed analytics, RockitSeller can help forecast potential fees based on various shipment scenarios, allowing sellers to visualize the financial implications of their shipment choices.


Through algorithmic analysis, RockitSeller can optimize your inventory spread to minimize fees while still keeping stock close to your customer base, potentially reducing shipping times and increasing customer satisfaction.

Continuous Monitoring and Support

RockitSeller monitors fee changes and advises on the best courses of action. This support is crucial in a dynamic marketplace where fee structures can change frequently.



Amazon Inbound Placement Service Fees are a significant factor in the overall cost of selling on Amazon, especially for FBA users. By thoroughly understanding these fees and employing strategic inventory management practices, sellers can maintain control over their costs and protect their profit margins. With the help of RockitSeller, sellers can automate and optimize these processes, making the management of Amazon Inbound Placement Service Fees simpler, more predictable, and less time-consuming, thereby enabling sellers to focus on growing their businesses.