View and manage your inventory levels across all selling channels.
This section displays sales for the last seven thirty, sixty, and ninety days along with your inventory levels, local, inbound, and in the FBA warehouse.
Clicking on the plus sign allows you to update your cost of goods sold for the SKU.
Enter the product cost in the top tech field and a shipping cost in the button text field and click save. This will save the cost information for your SKU. You can also bulk update your cogs in the configuration section. Clicking on the arrow towards the right of the row displays history, aging and sales trend information for the SKU. Inventory history tab displays a breakdown of all fees assessed to the SKU.
Rank information, sales rate, and our restock recommendation based on the SKU sales rate, The chart on the right displays the dynamic history of your inventory available, inbound, working, and reserve.
The aging tab displays aging information for your SKU, storage information, volume occupied, estimated storage cost next information, and the days of available supply. The chart on the right displays aging information for the SKU visually up to one year and beyond.
Sales trend shows the sales trend for the SKU for the last ninety days, units sold in revenue.